Changes since 1.06 Heretic.ico -Macintosh Heretic II Version Icon Heretic2.exe -Macintosh Heretic II Version Icon -Version Updates -Trim data\OpenGL32.dll -SkiTech GLDirect (for compatibility with new hardware or videocards that do not support OpenGL use with ref_gl.dll from data\ref_gl.dll) A3DSnd.dll -Sound Quality doubled in khz low is 22050 high is 44100 default is 44 (not tested) -s_khz properly accept 44 or 22 values -s_volume changed to 0.5 (recommended to use this value, to prevent sound peak defect) -set s_mixahead "0.1" more quick react sound WinSnd.dll -Sound Quality doubled in khz low is 22050 high is 44100 default is 44 -s_khz properly accept 44 or 22 values -s_volume changed to 0.5 (recommended to use this value, to prevent sound peak defect) -set s_mixahead "0.1" more quick react sound ref_gl.dll - changed "GL_EXTENSIONS: %s" to "GL_EXT: hidden" to fix h2 crash on modern videocards (limited text buffer) - changed "GL_NEAREST" to "GL_LINEAR" - changed gl_flashblend produces flares with dynamic lights - changed transparent to translucent (more beautiful opaq method) (no depence on gl_trans 33 or 66) - changed texturefiltering to anisotropic filtering (warning if your videocard doesnot support anisotropic filtering, game wont start) - Version Updates data\ref_gl.dll - GL component without anisotropic filtering (use it if no anisotropic filtering or if you use non OpenGL drivers like 3dfx or other) quake2.dll - cl_camera_dampfactor changed from 0.2 to 1 (recommend lags less noticible) - set cl_camera_fptrans "0" (for first person switch) - set con_alpha "0.5" a bit more transpared console - set r_detail "3" (max details) - sc_framerate 60 (effects at 60 fps too) - set skindir "skins" - set vid_ref "gl" - disabled 3dfx logo for faster startup - cl_maxfps changed from 30 to 60 - custom videomodes, start H2Resolution.exe to set any resolution you want to use, also in game "set vid_mode 3", or in menu choose video mode 640 x 480 - Version Updates - text colours changed to green - fov changed to 90 - rate changed to 25000 - win2kxp crash fix applied - s_khz from menu changes values to 44 or to 22 properly - Version Update EAXSnd.dll -Sound Quality doubled in khz low is 22050 high is 44100 default is 44 -Removed EAX messages that spam console -s_khz properly accept 44 or 22 values -s_volume changed to 0.5 (recommended to use this value, to prevent sound peak defect) -set s_mixahead "0.1" more quick react sound SndDll.dll -Sound Quality doubled in khz low is 22050 high is 44100 default is 44 -s_khz properly accept 44 or 22 values -s_volume changed to 0.5 (recommended to use this value, to prevent sound peak defect) -set s_mixahead "0.1" more quick react sound gamespy\gspylite.exe -Version Updates -Changed Links -Trim Drivers\3dfxGL_Ht2.dll -Updated to last Version data\nGlide100_setup.exe -nGlide for 3dfx support (adventages font size remain as on 640x480 and runs on any system that support direct3d 9. disadventage a bit slow comparing to opengl) -( nGlide you can get latest version at dont forget to use data\ref_gl.dll) base\user.cfg -cpuid commented -set gl_3dlabs_broken "0" -set gl_picmip "0" -set gl_skinmip "0" -snd_restart base\Default.cfg -applied recommended config base\Client Effects.dll - set r_detail "3" (max details) base\sprites\fx\crosshair_0.m8 -crosshair from THF 2012 by WhiteMagicRaven P.S. on GameSpy my nick RaVeN on GameRanger is WhiteMagicRaven find and add me to friends lets play together! P.P.S. on some unknown reason Alt+Tab works =0